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  1. Ukraine: UN agencies stepping up aid to most vulnerable as temperatures plummet

    19 December 2017 As temperatures plummet across Ukraine, the United Nations ref

  2. UN human rights panel concludes ISIL is committing genocide against Yazidis

    16 June 2016 The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) [also known as ISIL and Da'esh] is commit

  3. « Nous ne pouvons pas continuer à décevoir les enfants » - António Guterres

    20 November 2017 A l'occasion de la Journée mondiale de l'enfance, le Secrétaire général des Nations

  4. UN refugee agency lauds Europe's rescue efforts in Mediterranean amid 'tragic start' to New Year

    16 January 2017 The United Nations refugee agency praised the Italian Coastguar

  5. UN agency, IKEA partnership leads to first solar farm in refugee camp

    17 May 2017 The world's first solar farm in a refugee camp switched on today in northern Jordan, providing renewable energy

  6. Secretary-General António Guterres cites multilateralism, teamwork as critical to achieving UN goals

    3 January 2017 On his first day in office, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for

  7. As donor support dwindles, one million displaced Somali refugees are growing hopeless UN agency warns

    10 January 2017 More than one million Somali refugees who have been displaced from th

  8. UN scales up response as number of Rohingya refugees fleeing Myanmar nears 500,000

    22 September 2017 With the number of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar arriving in south-east Ba

  9. Journée des réfugiés : l'ONU lance un appel à la solidarité collective

    20 June 2016 A l'occasion de la Journée mondiale des réfugiés, célébrée chaque année 20

  10. Ответные меры

    23 June 2016 Через границы различных государств проходят беспрецедентные потоки беженцев и мигрантов; эти люди спасаются от конфликтов, преследования, нищеты и других опасных для жизни ситуаций, бегут от безработицы и нехватки квалифицированной занятости...
