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  1. World population to hit 9.8 billion by 2050, despite nearly universal lower fertility rates – UN

    21 June 2017... is now at least 7.6 billion, up from 7.4 billion last year, spu ...

  2. In Japan, Ban calls on G7 to back global goals, climate action, UN humanitarian response efforts

    27 May 2016 Addressing world leaders at an event on the side lines of the G-7 meeting currently

  3. FEATURE: Music for the children of Yarmouk – and all refugees

    17 September 2016 “I took my piano and made it everything: my work, and my studies at university; to teac

  4. Antecedentes

    6 October 2016 Septiembre de 2015 : El Secretario General celebró una reunión sobre el fortalecimiento de la cooperación en materia de migración y movimientos de refugiados desde la perspectiva de la nueva agenda para el desarrollo durante la serie de s...

  5. Funding shortfall for UN emergency response fund could have 'devastating impact'

    2 November 2016 The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has warned that an imminen

  6. Aperçu général

    12 October 2016 Septembre 2015 : le Secrétaire général tient une réunion sur le renforcement de la coopération relative aux migrations et aux déplacements de réfugiés dans la perspective du nouveau programme de développement durant le débat de haut nive...

  7. To escape gangs and poverty, Central American children making risky journey to US – UNICEF

    23 August 2016 The flow of refugee and migrant children seeking refuge from brutal gangs and stif

  8. FEATURE: Does drone technology hold promise for the UN?

    6 September 2017 Drone technology appears to be taking off at the United Nations, with unmanned ae

  9. 'We cannot and will not leave anyone behind,' says UN chief on World Humanitarian Day

    19 August 2016 With a record 130 million people worldwide now dependent on huma

  10. Flow of refugees, migrants to Europe slows but sea journey remains deadly – UN

    24 August 2017 Fewer refugees and migrants arrived in Europe in the first half of t
