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  1. 'EmPOWER' girls before, during and after crises, UN says on International Day of the Girl Child

    11 October 2017 The world's 1.1 billion girls are a source of power, energy, and creativity – and the mil

  2. UN agency envoy Forest Whitaker honoured for work in peacebuilding, conflict-resolution

    16 January 2017 Actor and United Nations agency special envoy Forest Whitaker is today being celebra

  3. "What is the underlying conflict? It’s similar in both countries and can be described as an incomplete social contract"– UN envoy for Sudan and South Sudan

    12 October 2016 Nicholas Haysom has experience in challenging political situations.

  4. UN chief urges all to build on sustainable development effects of 2016 Olympic Games

    22 August 2016... United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has congratulated Brazil, the city of Rio de ...

  5. On International Day, UN cites 'duty of care towards the environment' in peacetime and during conflict

    6 November 2016 To achieve the vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development o

  6. Lebanon: Secretary-General welcomes new Government led by Saad Hariri

    19 December 2016 Welcoming the announcement of new Cabinet members in Lebanon, United Nations Secretary-Ge

  7. 2016年联合国难民和移民首脑会议

    28 June 2016   这是大会首次呼吁举行一次国家元首和政府首脑级别会议,以讨论难民和移徙者大规模流动问题,这为绘制更好的国际对策蓝图提供了一次历史性机会。这是加强国际移徙治理的一个转折性时刻,也为建立一个更加负责、更可预测的系统以应对难民和移徙者大规模流动提供了一次独特的机会。   何时、何地?   此次活动将于2016年9月19日星期一在纽约联合国总部全天举行。   由谁负责组织?   高级别会议组织者如下:

  8. L'Organisation internationale pour les migrations rejoint officiellement le système de l'ONU

    19 September 2016 Au Sommet pour les réfugiés et les migrants organisé lundi à New York, le Secré

  9. Reject bigotry, build bridges across communities – UN chief to high-level forum on anti-Semitism

    7 September 2016... Describing religious intolerance as one of the greatest global threats, United ...

  10. 全球移徙问题小组专家系列会议:难民和移徙者面临的挑战(人权高专办及毒品和犯罪问题办公室)

    27 July 2016 地点:纽约 Date: 23/05/2016 (All day) to 28/05/2016 (All day)
