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  1. ‘If you want to protect your image, protect children,’ Ban tells debate on war-affected children

    2 August 2016 With children continuing to be tortured, maimed, imprisoned, starved, se

  2. UN human rights body appoints Commission of Inquiry on Burundi

    22 November 2016 Following a decision of the United Nations Human Rights Council, in which it setup

  3. Uganda’s President cites ‘pseudo-ideology’ and fragmented markets as barriers to African prosperity

    21 September 2016 Addressing the UN General Assembly, the President of Uganda today pointed out that two is

  4. On International Day, UN cites 'duty of care towards the environment' in peacetime and during conflict

    6 November 2016 To achieve the vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development o

  5. Land urgently needed to avert ‘drastic deterioration’ in Burundian refugee camps in neighbouring countries

    7 February 2017 Stalled peace talks in Burundi are forcing hundreds to flee ev

  6. Tallying fewer crossings, UN agency reports rise in migrant deaths at US-Mexico border

    4 August 2017 Even as the flow appears to have thinned, migrants crossing the United States-

  7. Progress in Libya marred by ongoing volatile security situation and economic challenges – UN envoy to Security Council

    14 September 2016 Although political space has opened in Lib

  8. UN atomic agency co-hosts international meeting on cancer in developing countries

    22 March 2017 Cancer can be a death warrant in some developing countries, spurring the United Nati

  9. UN officials urge sustained support for humanitarian efforts in Lake Chad Basin

    21 September 2017 United Nations officials today underscored the need for sustained international s

  10. British commander at UN Mission in South Sudan serves as role model for young women

    9 February 2018 Lieutenant Colonel Katie Hislop of the United Kingdom said she was happ
