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  1. Tallying fewer crossings, UN agency reports rise in migrant deaths at US-Mexico border

    4 August 2017 Even as the flow appears to have thinned, migrants crossing the United States-

  2. Progress in Libya marred by ongoing volatile security situation and economic challenges – UN envoy to Security Council

    14 September 2016 Although political space has opened in Lib

  3. UN atomic agency co-hosts international meeting on cancer in developing countries

    22 March 2017 Cancer can be a death warrant in some developing countries, spurring the United Nati

  4. FEATURE: Mission Accomplished – UN Operation in Côte d’Ivoire

    1 May 2017 After 13 years, the United Nations is completing the peacekeeping phase of its engagement with Côt

  5. UN officials urge sustained support for humanitarian efforts in Lake Chad Basin

    21 September 2017 United Nations officials today underscored the need for sustained international s

  6. INTERVIEW: Mark Bowden on his time in Afghanistan and on revamping international aid

    31 March 2017 The conflict in Afghanistan is “partially forgotten,” the former United Nations

  7. On International Day, UN promotes cooperative solutions for social inclusion

    1 July 2017 Cooperatives help to build inclusive economies and societies, and can help to elimin

  8. On International Day, UN chief Guterres calls on all to stand in solidarity with detained staff

    25 March 2017 On the International Day of Soli

  9. António Guterres set to be sworn in as next UN Secretary-General

    11 December 2016 Former Prime Minister of Portugal António Guterres is set to be sworn in Monday, 12 Dec

  10. Unity at the core of global peace and security, top EU official tells Security Council

    6 June 2016 In order to face and overcome the various political and humanitarian crises occurring arou
