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  1. Presentation for GCM briefing 31 July 2018

    31 July 2018 Download gcm_briefing_of_31_july_2018.pptx_.pdf (19.11 MB) ...

  2. El 2018, un año terrorífico en Yemen que termina con un haz de esperanza

    20 December 2018 Ha sido un año “aterrador” para los yemeníes, pero, en última instancia, de esperanza, ya que las conversaciones de diciembre en Suecia produjeron un alto el fuego en torno a  la ciudad portuaria d

  3. Toll on refugee and migrant children continues to mount one year after EU-Turkey deal – UNICEF

    17 March 2017... Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned today that one year after the ...

  4. One year on, UN officials take stock of efforts to address large movements of refugees, migrants

    20 September 2017 United Nations officials today highlighted the need to continue wor

  5. 2016 deadliest year ever for migrants crossing Mediterranean – UN agency

    6 January 2017 More migrants were killed crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Europe in 2016 than ever

  6. UN refugee agency issues renewed funding plea for Syria, as conflict enters seventh year

    9 March 2017 Unless drastic measures are taken to share up peace and security in Syria, the situ

  7. Intergovernmental negotiations - Fourth Round

    6 March 2018 Letter from the co-facilitators (7 May 2018) Capacity-building mechanism Proposal Dates ...

  8. Over 600,000 displaced Syrians returned home so far this year – UN agency

    11 August 2017 More than 600,000 displaced Syrians returned home in the first seven months of 2017, t

  9. High-Level Meeting on the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants: One Year On

    12 September 2017 Wednesday 20 September 2017 from 09:30 to 11:00 a.m. Secretariat Building – Conference Room 7, United Nations Headquarters, New York The event marked the first anniversary of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants and se...

  10. Living conditions in Gaza 'more and more wretched' over past decade, UN finds

    11 July 2017 A decade after Hamas seized the Gaza Strip, the living conditions for two million peo
