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  1. UN urges Australia to find humane solutions for refugees, asylum seekers on Manus Island

    22 December 2017 The United Nations refugee agency warned on Friday that the situation of


    12 December 2017 11:00 - 13:00  Introduction and moderation:

  3. African migrants reportedly being sold in ‘slave markets’ in Libya, UN agency warns

    11 April 2017 Hundreds of migrants along North African migrant routes are being bought and

  4. Refugee and migrant flows from Libya to Europe on the rise – UNHCR study

    3 July 2017 Movements by sea from Libya to Europe, despite being the most dangerous route for reaching the co

  5. Ethiopia begins civil registration for refugees – UN agencies

    27 October 2017 In an historic first, starting Friday, all refugees in Ethiopia

  6. With world at epic crossroads, UN seems like it’s on ‘silent’ mode, Jordan tells Assembly

    22 September 2017 While the United Nations is “our global conscience,” Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II, Crown Pr

  7. In Op-Ed, UN chief says global community 'must work in new ways to help people in crisis'

    14 June 2016 In an opinion piece published today by The Guardian, United Nations Secr

  8. In Turkey, UN chief Guterres spotlights collective responsibility for refugee protection

    10 February 2017 Underscoring the enormity of the plight of refugees, United Nations Secret

  9. Au moins 200 enfants disparus en mer en essayant d'atteindre les rivages italiens cette année

    25 May 2017 Alors que les dirigeants du G7 se réunissent à Taormina en Sicile, le Fonds des Natio

  10. Global series of events

    14 April 2016 April Date Event 21-22 April New York GA Hall High Level Political Debate on achieving the SDGs and signing of the Paris Agreement 25 April 10.00-1.00pm UNHQ C...
