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  1. Intergovernmental negotiations - Fourth Round

    6 March 2018 Letter from the co-facilitators (7 May 2018) Capacity-building mechanism Proposal Dates ...

  2. High-Level Meeting on the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants: One Year On

    12 September 2017 Wednesday 20 September 2017 from 09:30 to 11:00 a.m. Secretariat Building – Conference Room 7, United Nations Headquarters, New York The event marked the first anniversary of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants and se...

  3. UN allocates $3 million to Somalia-Kenya cross-border pilot project for Somali refugees

    22 December 2016... The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund is set to allocate $3 mi ...

  4. More than 3 million displaced in Yemen – joint UN agency report

    22 August 2016 A joint report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

  5. ارتفاع عدد النازحين في اليمن إلى أكثر من 3 ملايين

    22 August 2016 تواصل أعداد النازحين بسبب الصراع في اليمن ارتفاعها، لتصل إلى أكثر من ثلاثة ملايين ومئة ألف شخص، من بينهم مليونان ومئتا ألف مشردون داخليا.

  6. 6th plenary meeting of the 71st Session of the General Assembly, Official Records, part 3

    21 October 2016

  7. Thematic session 3: invitation for dialogue with co-facilitators, procedural note, agenda, issue brief

    6 June 2017 Download june6_pga_invitation_to_t3.pdf (1.35 MB)

  8. Thematic session 3: Programme of work and organizational arrangements

    15 June 2017 Download june15_t3_orgwork.pdf (456.08 KB)

  9. 3 July 2017 Thematic Session 6: Reschedule

    3 July 2017 Download july3_pga_reschedule_6thematicsession.pdf (218.73 KB)

  10. TS5 Country Statement Belarus panel 3

    5 September 2017 Download belarus_ts5_p3.pdf (91 KB)
