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  1. Mediterranean: Coast guard on alert after shipwrecks as smugglers take advantage of calm waters

    9 May 2017 About 6,600 migrants and refugees were rescued in the past few days

  2. UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Ricky Martin traveled to Lebanon to meet refugee children who have fled Syria conflict

    3 June 2016 On 1 June 2016, UNICEF goodwill ambassador Ricky Martin plays football with Syrian refugee children at Al-Hissa informal refugee settlement in northern Lebanon. © UNICEF/UN020856/Choufany

  3. Related events

    17 August 2016 We have listed some of the events related to the Summit below. A full list of all UNGA side list is available on the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service website.   The Role of Education in Enhancing Social Cohesion in Post Confli...

  4. Refugees, climate change and Syria likely standouts amid ‘whirlwind’ of UN high-level week – Ban

    14 September 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today that the global challenges pert

  5. More than 90 per cent of children reaching Italy’s shores are separated or unaccompanied – UNICEF

    14 January 2017 Noting that the number of children arriving in Italy by themselves via the sea in 2016

  6. Turkey’s Erdogan challenges world leaders at UN Assembly to end bloodshed in Syria

    20 September 2016... Drawing particular attention to the nearly six year crisis in Syria where hundreds of tho ...

  7. At Forum, Ban stresses key role of business in securing way forward on Global Goals

    19 September 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today underscored the cr

  8. UN aids Yemenis in embattled Mokha; warns of cholera’s spread amid crippled health systems

    16 May 2017... agency today confirmed that for only the third time this year, i ...

  9. World closer to ending modern slavery as UN-backed protocol on forced labour comes into force

    10 November 2016 An international protocol on forced labour has entered into force, a maj

  10. In Japan, Ban calls on G7 to back global goals, climate action, UN humanitarian response efforts

    27 May 2016 Addressing world leaders at an event on the side lines of the G-7 meeting currently
