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  1. UNICEF warns of growing exploitation risk for refugee and migrant children arriving in Europe

    14 June 2016 More than nine out of 10 refugee and migrant children arriving in

  2. Security Council recommends former Prime Minister of Portugal Guterres as next UN Secretary-General

    6 October 2016 The Security Council today formally chose the former Prime Minister of Portugal, Antóni

  3. In Bangladesh, UN refugee chief warns influx of Rohingya outpaces capacities to respond

    25 September 2017 The United Nations refugee chief today called for ramped-up support for an

  4. INTERVIEW: Making the 'most impossible job' a possible mission – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

    22 December 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s last day in office is

  5. ‘Aleppo will not be there’ in two months if diplomatic stalemate continues, warns UN envoy

    17 October 2016 Between now and December, “if we cannot find a solution, Aleppo will not be there any ...

  6. US admits more than 10,000 Syrian refugees in fiscal 2016 – UN partner agency

    30 August 2016 The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has helped resettle m

  7. Fastest population shift in history is ‘make or break’ opportunity for Asia-Pacific – UN agency

    26 April 2016 If Asia-Pacific countries do not start planning for demographic changes, they ...

  8. Sustained engagement vital to address immense humanitarian needs in Syria – UN official

    22 September 2017 Sustained international attention and engagement is vital as the Syrian conflict

  9. Suffering deepens in Yemen as border shutdowns enter second week – UN agencies

    14 November 2017 A proposal to deliver vitally needed aid to war-ravaged Yemen vi

  10. Greek volunteers awarded top UN humanitarian honour for efforts with migrants and refugees

    6 September 2016 A Greek human rights activist and a Greek volunteer rescue team – Efi Latsoudi
