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  1. INTERVIEW: In new UN role, Malala Yousafzai seeks to inspire girls to stand up, speak out for rights

    11 April 2017 In 2012, Malala Yousafzai made headlines all over the world when she was shot by the Taliba

  2. In the Gaza Strip, UN chief appeals for Palestinian unity; renews call for two-state solution

    30 August 2017 Visiting Gaza for the first time since taking office as United Nations Secreta

  3. Diseases and sexual violence threaten Somalis, South Sudanese escaping famine – UN

    18 April 2017 Millions of people are facing the peril of famine in Somalia and South Sudan, and the

  4. Le nombre de migrants décédés en franchissant la frontière entre le Mexique et les États-Unis augmente rapidement en 2017, selon l'OIM

    4 August 2017 Le nombre de migrants qui meurent en franchissant la frontière entre les

  5. ‘Stand up against intolerance and eliminate discrimination,’ says UN chief Guterres

    21 March 2017 Against the backdrop of rising discrimination and violence against those perceived as different,

  6. Yemen: As food crisis worsens, UN agencies call for urgent assistance to avert catastrophe

    10 February 2017 The number of food insecure people in Yemen has risen by three mil

  7. Labour mobility

    9 August 2017 Background documents Invitation from the co-facilitators to the session and the informal stakeholder dialogue Procedural note  (including agenda)

  8. ‘Pressure’ on Palestinian households to move raises risk of forcible transfers – UN official

    22 August 2016 A senior United Nations official has cautioned that many Palestinian communiti

  9. UN agency revises funding requirements to tackle Africa's worst displacement crisis

    20 January 2017 With conflict in South Sudan now entering its fourth year and its people facin

  10. Thousands of Rohingyas cross into Bangladesh overnight; child malnutrition soars in camps – UN

    3 November 2017 As more than 3,000 desperate, tired and hungry Rohingya refuge
