
Find out how to register your delegation to speak at the Summit.

Opening session

The speakers for the Opening session are determined by the resolution modalities.

Plenary session

Delegations wishing to speak in the simultaneous plenary segments are requested to inscribe to the list of speakers by contacting General Assembly Affairs Branch; Ms. Antonina Poliakova (e-mail; tel. 1-(212)-963-5063), copy to Ms. Mary Muturi (e-mail

The speaking order will follow the customary protocol order. Accordingly, precedence will be accorded to representatives at the Heads of State or Government and Ministerial levels, with some flexibility accorded to allow for Observers and UN system.

Interactive Multi-Stakeholder Roundtables

Requests for inscription from permanent missions and observer States to the plenary meetings and to the multi-stakeholder round tables should be sent through the e-Speakers system, available as of Monday, 8 August 2016. An automated e-mail acknowledgement will be sent within one hour of receipt of request for inscription. 

Intergovernmental organizations and entities that have observer status with the General Assembly are invited to inscribe with the list of speakers (e-mail and 

The list of speakers for the plenary meetings will be established in accordance with customary protocol and the time limit for these statements will be four minutes. Participants in the round tables are encouraged to limit their statements to less then five minutes. 

Processes for civil society and private sector to speak in the roundtables are managed by the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) and UN Global Compact respectively; deadlines have passed. Those selected to speak, from any sector, will be notified directly. All civil society that applied to attend the Summit via UN-NGLS will be notified of decision by the end of August.