15:00 - 17:15 

Introduction and moderation:

  • Co-facilitators

Panel on the way forward:

  • Ms. Louise Arbour, Secretary-General of the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
  • Overarching observations on the stocktaking meeting by two experts:
    • Ms. Kathleen Newland, Senior Fellow of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI)
    • Mr. Gibril Faal, Director of GK Partners and Chairman of the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD)

Interactive discussion

  • All participants


  • Summary panel based on a reading of what the GCM may look like based on the discussions at the stocktaking meeting


  • Co-facilitators, SGICM as rapporteur of the meeting, and two experts on podium
  • Followed by an interactive debate that may be used by delegations to communicate key messages again or to address any other business
  • Co-facilitators moderate the session
  • SGICM gives an outlook on the SG report
  • The two experts provide their overarching observations on the discussions and main outcomes of the stocktaking meeting

Statements from the floor

Member States

Nepal Philippines Turkey

Other stakeholders