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  1. Western Saharan refugees face looming food shortage, UN agencies warn in appeal for donor support

    2 November 2016 Three United Nations agencies operating in Algeria appealed today for continue

  2. African regional consultations on UN global compact on migration begin in Ethiopia

    26 October 2017 Although the debate on migration has largely focused on Europe, the global co

  3. In Bangladesh, UN agency Goodwill Ambassador Kristin Davis urges action for Rohingya refugee children

    20 November 2017 Marking World Children’s Day, actress Kristin Davis on Monday called for global

  4. UN refugee chief urges greater solidarity with refugees in Italy

    1 July 2017 Italy needs more international support to assist the waves of migra

  5. In Vienna, Ban says UN and Austria will continue cooperation in promoting shared goals

    7 December 2016 Kicking off what is likely to be his final overseas trip before le

  6. Burundi: UN human rights experts urge strong action in light of ‘widespread’ violations

    20 September 2016 The final report of an independent United Nations investigation in Buru

  7. UN refugee agency boosts winter assistance for displaced Iraqis in conflict-affected villages

    2 December 2016 As the security situation has stabilized in villages near war-torn Mosul, where Iraqi

  8. Young Syrian refugees don't want pity; respect their rights and empower them – UNICEF Advocate

    28 April 2017 Concluding a visit to Syrian refugee camps in Jordan where he met with youn

  9. Some 3,500 people fleeing South Sudan each day due to ongoing conflict – UN refugee agency

    4 November 2016 The ongoing conflict in South Sudan has led to immense suffering and displac

  10. UN agency lauds new project to register undocumented Afghan refugees in Pakistan

    21 July 2017 A new pilot project in Pakistan to register undocumented Afg
