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  1. Statement of the UN Special Representative for International migration at the “Inter-state Consultation Mechanisms on Migration and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration”

    11 October 2017 Download statement_of_the_un_special_representative_for_international_migration_at_the_inter-state_consultation_mechanisms_on_migration_and_the_global_compact_for_safe_orderly_and_regular_migration.pdf (50.11 KB)

  2. Statement by the UN Special Representative for International Migration at the second informal interactive multi-stakeholder hearing

    11 October 2017 Download statement_by_the_un_special_representative_for_international_migration_at_the_second_informal_interactive_multi-stakeholder_hearing.pdf (86.98 KB)

  3. Statement by the UN Special Representative for International Migration, Louise Arbour, at the sixth thematic session

    12 October 2017 Download statement_by_the_un_special_representative_for_international_migration_louise_arbour_at_the_sixth_thematic_session.pdf (49.93 KB)

  4. Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration and Secretary-General at the African Regional Consultative Meeting on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

    26 October 2017 Download special_representative_of_the_secretary-general_for_international_migration_and_secretary-general_for_the_intergovernmental_conference.pdf (82.2 KB)

  5. Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration at the Regional Retreat on Migration in Rabat, Morocco

    30 October 2017 Download rabat_speech_final.pdf (53.68 KB)

  6. Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration at Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

    6 November 2017 Download srsg_keynote_address_escap_final_copy.pdf (49.15 KB)

  7. Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration keynote address to the Overseas Development Institute, London

    21 November 2017 Download un_special_representative_of_the_secretary-general_for_international_migration_odi_remarks_21_nov.pdf (74.01 KB)

  8. Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration at the 108th Session of the Council of the International Organization for Migration

    28 November 2017 Download 28_nov_-_iom_council_remarks.pdf (57.45 KB)

  9. Statement by Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration at the Opening Session of the Preparatory meeting for the Global Compact for Migration

    4 December 2017 Download statement_srsg_-_opening_ceremony_pv_-_day_1.pdf (48.04 KB)

  10. Statement by Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration at the Concluding Session of the Preparatory meeting for the Global Compact for Migration

    6 December 2017 Download statement_srsg_-_closing_statement_pv.pdf (70.26 KB)
