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  1. Protect children in conflicts and disasters from forced labour, underscores UN on World Day

    12 June 2017 Children in areas affected by conflict and disasters are among the most vuln

  2. UN agency saves 600 stranded migrants in Sahara Desert, but 52 dead in Niger

    27 June 2017 The United Nations migration agency in Niger has saved more than 600 l

  3. UN working to address slavery, abuses against African migrants and refugees, Security Council told

    28 November 2017 The United Nations is stepping up its work to stop the grave abuses

  4. Libye : la souffrance des migrants détenus est un « outrage à la conscience de l'humanité » (ONU)

    14 November 2017 Le Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme, Zeid R

  5. Libye : l'OIM rapatriera 15.000 migrants vers leurs pays d'origine

    1 December 2017 L'Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) a annoncé vendredi qu'elle compte

  6. UN refugee agency urges sustained access as civilians flee Raqqa fighting

    16 June 2017 As fighting in and around the Syrian city of Raqqa continues to ta

  7. UN agency condemns attack on staff in Central African Republic town

    4 July 2017 Strongly condemning an attack against its staff and premises in a

  8. INTERVIEW: ‘It is important to let the positive side of migration be told’ – IOM Director-General

    20 December 2016... Every day, for the past three years, just over a dozen migrants have died on average, or one ...

  9. Amid ‘difficult reality’ in Middle East, two-state solution more important than ever – UN chief

    5 February 2018 International consensus on a two-State solution to end the Israeli-P

  10. Declaraciones y vídeos

    3 October 2016  Comunicado de prensa: Declaración de Nueva York para los refugiados y los migrantes aprobadas por todos los Estados miembros en la histórica Cumbre de la ONU
