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  1. UN refugee agency boosts winter assistance for displaced Iraqis in conflict-affected villages

    2 December 2016 As the security situation has stabilized in villages near war-torn Mosul, where Iraqi

  2. UN migration chief visits Nigeria's northeast; new fund allocates $10.5 million

    1 August 2017 The United Nations has sharpened its focus on efforts to tackle the humanitarian crisis in nor

  3. Afghanistan: UN launches nine-month operation to assist returnees with emergency food and cash

    15 November 2016 The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has launched a nine-month op

  4. South Sudan: Security Council urged to do more to protect civilians, help end violence

    7 December 2017... With the conflict in South Sudan entering its fifth year, senior United Nations ...

  5. António Guterres appointed next UN Secretary-General by acclamation

    13 October 2016 The General Assembly today appointed by acclamation the former Prime Minister of Portug

  6. Fight against tuberculosis only 'half-won,' UN chief says on World Day

    24 March 2016 Observing World Tuberculosis Day, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for united global efforts to end the deadly disease by 2030 as it would claim the lives of 1.5 million people

  7. UNICEF warns of growing exploitation risk for refugee and migrant children arriving in Europe

    14 June 2016 More than nine out of 10 refugee and migrant children arriving in

  8. Greece facing ‘serious challenges,’ needs EU help to manage refugee crisis – UN agency chief

    26 August 2016 Greece still faces great challenges in managing its refugee crisis

  9. Political polarization in DR Congo may spark ‘large-scale violence,’ UN envoy warns Security Council

    11 October 2016 Warning of an extremely fragile political situation in the Democratic Republic

  10. US admits more than 10,000 Syrian refugees in fiscal 2016 – UN partner agency

    30 August 2016 The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has helped resettle m
