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  1. Pour l'Afrique du Sud, le continent africain peut et doit trouver ses propres solutions à ses défis

    20 September 2017 Devant l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, le Président de l'Afrique du S

  2. Los proyectiles ya no caen en muchos territorios sirios, pero la amenaza sigue viva

    4 October 2018... la crisis humanitaria podría continuar más allá del año 2020 aunque “la vida se ...

  3. In Ukraine, UN chief Guterres urges full respect for ceasefire

    9 July 2017 Speaking to the press in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, United Nations Secretary-Gener

  4. Amid ‘difficult reality’ in Middle East, two-state solution more important than ever – UN chief

    5 February 2018 International consensus on a two-State solution to end the Israeli-P

  5. Myanmar can draw on UN expertise in tackling Rohingya returns, Security Council told

    12 December 2017 The United Nations can help Myanmar to defuse inter-communal ten

  6. At UN, Central American leaders urge ‘rethink’ of system used to classify development status

    20 September 2017 In his address to the United Nations General Assembly, Costa Rican President Luis

  7. Courageous Syrian swimmer named UN refugee agency Goodwill Ambassador

    27 April 2017 The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) today appoint

  8. EU should seek common approach to address tragic loss of life on Mediterranean – UN agencies

    2 February 2017 Ahead of a meeting of the European Council, the United Nations ref

  9. In the Gaza Strip, UN chief appeals for Palestinian unity; renews call for two-state solution

    30 August 2017 Visiting Gaza for the first time since taking office as United Nations Secreta

  10. INTERVIEW: ‘It is important to let the positive side of migration be told’ – IOM Director-General

    20 December 2016 Every day, for the past three years, just over a dozen migrants have died on average, or one
