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  1. For Yemenis and migrants, protracted conflict an 'endless nightmare' – head of UN agency

    2 October 2017 Amid worsening famine and cholera in war-torn Yemen, the head of the U

  2. 'Act now' to help and protect trafficking victims, UN urges on World Day against the scourge

    30 July 2017 Criminal groups feed off the instability created by conflicts, and as links betwe

  3. Three years into conflict, humanitarian needs in South Sudan continue to rise – UN relief wing

    22 December 2016 Since fighting first erupted in South Sudan three years back, tens of thousand

  4. UN refugee agency lauds Europe's rescue efforts in Mediterranean amid 'tragic start' to New Year

    16 January 2017 The United Nations refugee agency praised the Italian Coastguar

  5. At regional session, UN agricultural agency urges sustainable development for better nutrition

    4 May 2016 While many countries in Europe and Central Asia have made progress in reducing the

  6. Statements & Videos

    19 September 2016  Press Release: New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants adopted by all Member States at historic UN Summit

  7. Declaraciones y vídeos

    3 October 2016  Comunicado de prensa: Declaración de Nueva York para los refugiados y los migrantes aprobadas por todos los Estados miembros en la histórica Cumbre de la ONU

  8. UN condemns deadly attack on ‘refugee hosting area’ in western Niger

    7 October 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned the attack again

  9. OCHA necesita 1.600 millones de dólares para asistencia humanitaria en Sudán del Sur

    13 February 2017... solicitaron hoy a la comunidad internacional de donantes 1.600 millones de dólares para cubrir las necesidades vitales de casi 6 millones ...

  10. Le sport favorise l'autonomisation sociale et est un moteur pour l'égalité, selon l'UNESCO

    6 April 2017 A l'occasion de la Journée internationale du sport au service du
