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  1. FEATURE: Diplomacy of the conscience – The Holy See at the United Nations

    7 February 2017 Ever since 1964, when it was informally accepted to the United Nations General Ass

  2. At Forum, Ban stresses key role of business in securing way forward on Global Goals

    19 September 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today underscored the cr

  3. UN aids Yemenis in embattled Mokha; warns of cholera’s spread amid crippled health systems

    16 May 2017... agency today confirmed that for only the third time this year, i ...

  4. In Japan, Ban calls on G7 to back global goals, climate action, UN humanitarian response efforts

    27 May 2016 Addressing world leaders at an event on the side lines of the G-7 meeting currently

  5. UNICEF calls for better protection of children under revised EU asylum rules

    4 May 2016 As the European Union (EU) prepares for critical talks on the rules governing app

  6. Entretien avec Karen AbuZayd, Conseillère spéciale pour le Sommet sur la réponse aux vastes mouvements de réfugiés et de migrants

    19 May 2016 Karen AbuZayd veut qu’on pense aux réfugiés et aux migrants d'une manière positive.

  7. Amérique latine et Caraïbes : l'OIT juge urgent d'aborder la dimension sociale des migrations

    1 September 2016 Au cours des cinq dernières années, le nombre de travailleurs immigrés vivant en Amé

  8. بان كي مون: تقدم الفتيات يعادل إحراز تقدم في الأهداف الإنمائية

    11 October 2016... المتحدة إن تحقيق الرفاه لنحو 1.1 مليار فتاة في العالم وإعمال حقوق الإنسان ...

  9. UN agencies provide shelter, clean water to families displaced amid Iraq’s Mosul offensive

    21 October 2016 With the military offensive still unfolding in Mosul, the Office of t

  10. UN rights experts call on US to abolish mandatory detention of migrants

    24 October 2016 Members of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention completed a two-wee
