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  1. Oficina del ACNUR: Tendencias Globales 2015

    14 June 2016

  2. اليونسكو تعلن مدينة الشارقة عاصمة عالميّة للكتاب لعام 2019

    26 June 2017... عاصمة عالميّة للكتاب لعام 2019 وذلك بناء على توصية من لجنة استشاريّة ...

  3. Los trabajos humanitarios en los territorios palestinos ocupados requieren 350 millones de dólares en 2019

    17 December 2018 Las ne

  4. Unity at the core of global peace and security, top EU official tells Security Council

    6 June 2016 In order to face and overcome the various political and humanitarian crises occurring arou

  5. INTERVIEW: 'The core of the work for me is implementation of the 17 SDGs'- Peter Thomson, UN GA President

    19 October 2016 On 13 June 2016, the United Nations General Assembly elected Peter Thomson of Fiji to s

  6. Protection of migrant and refugee children must be at core of new global compacts – UN agency

    13 June 2017 Amid

  7. Nearly $1.1 billion pledged for beleaguered Yemen at UN-led humanitarian conference

    25 April 2017 With nearly two-thirds of war-torn Yemen – about 19 million people – in need of emergency

  8. Réfugiés et migrants : 11 personnes périssent chaque jour en mer Méditerranée, selon le HCR

    2 September 2016 Un an après le décès d'Alan Kurdi, l'enfant syrien mort noyé alors que s

  9. Unos 11 millones de personas precisan ayuda humanitaria urgente en Nigeria y el Lago Chad

    23 January 2017 Unos 11 millones de personas precisan ayuda urgente en Nigeria y la región del Lago ...

  10. 11 October Multi-stakeholder hearing

    4 October 2017 Background documents
