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  1. UN chief Guterres meets Israel's Netanyahu in Jerusalem, pledges to fight anti-Semitism

    28 August 2017 Reiterating his commitment to fighting anti-Semitism, United Nations Secreta

  2. UN agriculture chief says Uganda 'leading example' of sustainable refugee response

    30 August 2017 The head of the United Nations agriculture agency today called for greater funding for a

  3. INTERVIEW: UN must lead ‘surge in diplomacy’ for peace, Guterres says ahead of 72nd General Assembly

    8 September 2017 As the excitement starts to build ahead of the United Nations General Assembly’s annu

  4. Statement of the UN Special Representative for International Migration at the New York Declaration One Year On Event

    20 September 2017 Download 20_sept_-_migration_-_one_year_on_-_remarks_by_srsg.pdf (58.23 KB) ...

  5. Kuwait to host donors conference on rebuilding Iraq, Prime Minister tells UN Assembly

    21 September 2017... to host an international donors conference in the coming year to help Iraq ...

  6. Statement by Director General of the International Organization for Migration, William Lacy Swing, at New York Declaration One Year On Event

    29 September 2017 Download ga_side_event_nyd_one_year_on_-iom_dg_remarks.pdf (42.69 KB) ...

  7. Security Council re-authorizes operations to disrupt migrant smuggling off coast of Libya

    5 October 2017... The Security Council today extended by one year the authorization for Mem ...

  8. UN chief announces trip to Central African Republic, where crisis is 'far from media spotlight'

    18 October 2017 Speaking to the press at United Nations Headquarters, in New York, Secr

  9. New compact to improve refugee response ‘a chance to chart a different course’ – UN agency chief

    12 December 2017 The head of the United Nations refugee agency on Tuesday kicked off i

  10. Migration should be act of hope, not despair; UN chief proposes ways to maximize migrants' contributions

    11 January 2018 Laying out his vision for concrete steps the world can take in 201
