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  1. UN human rights chief points to ‘textbook example of ethnic cleansing’ in Myanmar

    11 September 2017 The United Nations human rights chief today lashed out at the treatment

  2. Rohingya crisis one of the fastest growing in recent years, warns UN refugee agency

    15 September 2017 The humanitarian situation in parts of Bangladesh sheltering

  3. On International Day, UN promotes cooperative solutions for social inclusion

    1 July 2017 Cooperatives help to build inclusive economies and societies, and can help to elimin

  4. Burundi : une enquête de l'ONU réclame une action forte au vu des violations graves, généralisées et systémiques

    20 September 2016 Le rapport final de l'Enquête indépendante des Nations Unies sur le Burundi (EINUB) pu

  5. Mediterranean death toll in 2016 ‘worst we have seen’ – UN refugee agency

    25 October 2016 With just two months left in 2016, and despite a substantial drop i

  6. Welcoming Kenya’s decision on Dadaab camp, UN urges flexibility on timeframes for Somali refugees

    16 November 2016 The Office of the United Nations High Commissions on Refugees (UNH

  7. On International Day, UN chief Guterres calls on all to stand in solidarity with detained staff

    25 March 2017 On the International Day of Soli

  8. Search and rescue missions in Sahara Desert help 1,000 migrants, says UN migration agency

    8 August 2017 Search and rescue operations conducted by the United Nations migration agency have saved a total o

  9. Horrific accounts of sexual violence against Rohingya ‘just tip of the iceberg’ – UN agency

    28 September 2017 Warning that the horrific accounts of rape and sexual assault against Roh

  10. Conflicts, drought drive hunger despite strong global food supply – UN agriculture agency

    7 December 2017 Despite strong global food supply, localized drought, flooding
