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  1. In hard-hitting speech, UN human rights chief warns against populists and demagogues

    6 September 2016 In a hard-hitting speech, the United Nations human rights chief has strongly warned ag

  2. Politics prevailed over promises by France and UK in handling of children at Calais ‘Jungle’ – UN experts

    2 November 2016 The Governments of France and the United Kingdom fell seriously

  3. In Egypt, Assembly President points way towards more relevant, responsive and inclusive UN

    28 May 2016 With unprecedented opportunities ahead to enhance the work of the United Nations, as w

  4. Worsening food insecurity forcing more people to migrate, finds new UN report

    5 May 2017 Highlighting the complex link between food insecurity and migration –

  5. Migration challenges must be met with ‘conviction and compassion,’ Prime Minister of Malta tells UN

    23 September 2016 Highlighting the magnitude of the refugee and migration crisis, the Prime Minister of Malta

  6. World has 'every interest' in better managed migration – senior UN official

    28 September 2017 The world has every interest in managing migration better, given the expanding glob

  7. Overcrowded boat capsizes off Yemen coast, 30 drowned; UN agencies condemn smugglers

    26 January 2018 At least 30 refugees and migrants drowned when their boat capsized off the coas

  8. Yemen's brutal two-year conflict forcing displaced to return home amid persisting risks – UN

    21 February 2017 The complex crisis in Yemen continues to deepen, with United Natio

  9. Ireland’s migrant past ‘tragic present for so many,’ Foreign Minister tells UN

    24 September 2016 Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, Ireland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs a

  10. At UN, Central European leaders spotlight development, countering terrorism and securing peace

    19 September 2017 Sustainable development, ensuring peace and security and protecting human rights are the
