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  1. UN Women - Working to stem the tide of post-earthquake migration in Nepal

    24 September 2015 Maya Tulachan (right) puts together a dignity kit. Photo: UN Women Bijaya Rai Shrestha distributes solar lanterns and radios, provided by UN Women, in an earthquake-affected district. Photo: Pourakh...

  2. With temperatures dropping, asylum-seekers on Greek islands need to be moved to the mainland – UN refugee agency

    6 January 2017 Drawing attention to situation of hundreds of asylum-seekers on the Greek A

  3. António Guterres appointed next UN Secretary-General by acclamation

    13 October 2016 The General Assembly today appointed by acclamation the former Prime Minister of Portug

  4. UN rights experts urge France to provide safe water, sanitation for migrants in ‘Calais Jungle’

    16 October 2017 United Nations human rights experts are urging the Government of France

  5. Unrest in Cameroon's Anglophone regions sends thousands fleeing to Nigeria – UN agency

    31 October 2017 The United Nations refugee agency is scaling up efforts with partners to provid

  6. US travel ban a 'significant setback' for those needing international protection – UN rights experts

    1 February 2017 Expressing concern that a new Executive Order by the United States Presid

  7. Greece, at UN, spotlights ‘soft power’ to forge regional, international cooperation

    23 September 2017 Situated close to what continues to be an extremely turbulent region such as the Middle E

  8. Asia-Pacific regional consultations on UN strategy for safe migration open in Bangkok

    6 November 2017 With ever-increasing numbers of people on the move, travelling

  9. UN urges international cooperation to make migration safer in a world on the move

    18 December 2017 On International Migrants Day, the United Nations is a

  10. Smugglers throw 300 African migrants off boats headed to Yemen – UN agency

    10 August 2017 A total of 300 migrants have reportedly been forced from boats over the past two
