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  1. INTERVIEW: Mark Bowden on his time in Afghanistan and on revamping international aid

    31 March 2017 The conflict in Afghanistan is “partially forgotten,” the former United Nations

  2. Worsening food insecurity forcing more people to migrate, finds new UN report

    5 May 2017 Highlighting the complex link between food insecurity and migration –

  3. On International Day, UN promotes cooperative solutions for social inclusion

    1 July 2017 Cooperatives help to build inclusive economies and societies, and can help to elimin

  4. On International Day, UN chief Guterres calls on all to stand in solidarity with detained staff

    25 March 2017 On the International Day of Soli

  5. ISTANBUL : Ban Ki-moon salue les engagements pris lors du Sommet humanitaire et appelle à les mettre en œuvre

    24 May 2016 Lors de la cérémonie de clôture du premier Sommet humanitaire mondial, qui s'est

  6. Unity at the core of global peace and security, top EU official tells Security Council

    6 June 2016 In order to face and overcome the various political and humanitarian crises occurring arou

  7. As funds shrink, UN agency may end assistance to 150,000 in Central African Republic

    22 December 2016 Due to a lack of funding, the United Nations World Food Programme (W

  8. UN chief calls for $1 billion in donor contributions to emergency response fund

    8 December 2017... Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday called for $1 bill ...

  9. UN Africa forum launches high-level migration panel to help create political momentum for change

    7 June 2017 Amid growing concern for the safety of migrants, particularly in Afri

  10. Despite progress on Global Goals, Bangladesh faces ‘new wave of terrorism,’ Prime Minister tells UN

    22 September 2016 Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh,
