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  1. Lake Chad Basin: Boko Haram-induced crisis is ‘children’s crisis,’ UNICEF warns

    25 August 2016 Years of violence by Boko Haram in Africa’s Lake Chad basin, whi

  2. UN agency revises funding requirements to tackle Africa's worst displacement crisis

    20 January 2017... With conflict in South Sudan now entering its fourth year and its people facin ...

  3. Latest Mediterranean tragedy pushes number of people perishing in 2016 beyond 5,000 – UN

    23 December 2016 Highlighting that the number of casualties in the Mediterranean Se

  4. ‘Dramatic’ action needed to cut emissions, slow rise in global temperature – UN Environment report

    3 November 2016 A day before the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change comes into force, th

  5. António Guterres appointed next UN Secretary-General by acclamation

    13 October 2016 The General Assembly today appointed by acclamation the former Prime Minister of Portug

  6. Violence and persecution uprooted record 65.6 million people in 2016, UN agency reports

    19 June 2017 Nearly 66 million people were forcibly displaced from their homes

  7. In Japan, Ban calls on G7 to back global goals, climate action, UN humanitarian response efforts

    27 May 2016 Addressing world leaders at an event on the side lines of the G-7 meeting currently

  8. UN releases $100 million to sustain relief operations in world's most neglected crises

    30 January 2017 United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today released $100 million from th

  9. UN agency chief urges world to 'step up' as refugee numbers outpace resettlement spots

    12 June 2017 Against the backdrop of increasing refugee numbers around the globe, fue

  10. Diseases and sexual violence threaten Somalis, South Sudanese escaping famine – UN

    18 April 2017 Millions of people are facing the peril of famine in Somalia and South Sudan, and the
