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  1. Side event 14 May 2018 IOM

    11 May 2018 Download countering_xenophobia_and_discrimination.pdf (658.52 KB)

  2. Side event 14 May 2018 Data for migration

    11 May 2018 Download from_data_about_migration_to_data_for_migration.pdf (296.52 KB)

  3. Side event 14 May 2018 IDEA

    11 May 2018 Download political_participation_of_migrants_and_refugees_-_bridging_the_gaps.pdf (387.53 KB)

  4. Side event 14 May 2018 Grassroots perspectives

    11 May 2018 Download grassroots_perspectives_on_migrants_lived_realities.pdf (385.07 KB)

  5. Side event 14 May 2018 Human Rights of children

    11 May 2018 Download the_human_rights_of_children_in_the_context_of_return.pdf (207.96 KB)

  6. Conference 2018 Briefing

    13 June 2018 Download nv-432-18_morocco.pdf (52.87 KB)

  7. Letter from the co-facilitators (29 June 2018)

    29 June 2018 Download 180629_cover_letter_co-facilitators_final_round_of_negotiations.pdf (408.23 KB)

  8. Revised draft of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (29 June 2018)

    29 June 2018 Download 180629_draft_rev_3_final.pdf (628.43 KB)

  9. Conference 2018 Document

    2 July 2018 Download conference_2018.pdf (132.48 KB) ...

  10. المنظمة الدولية الهجرة: 2018 من أكثر السنوات دموية بالنسبة للمهاجرين

    27 July 2018 قالت المنظمة الدولية الهجرة إن عدد من لقوا حتفهم أثناء محاولتهم عبور البحر الأبيض المتوسط من شمال أفريقيا إلى أوروبا هذا العام زاد عن 1500 شخص، وذلك للسنة الخامسة على التوالي.
