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  1. Lors d'un Sommet à New York, l'ONU s'engage à protéger les droits des réfugiés et migrants

    19 September 2016 Réunis en sommet lundi au siège de l'ONU à New York, des dizaines de dirigeants

  2. Nigeria’s military gains against Boko Haram uncover vast humanitarian needs – UN

    19 August 2016 The United Nations refugee agency said today that it is increasingly alarmed at th

  3. Thousands of Rohingya refugees stranded near Bangladesh-Myanmar border – UN

    17 October 2017 The United Nations refugee agency is concerned about the humanitarian

  4. More than 3 million displaced in Yemen – joint UN agency report

    22 August 2016 A joint report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

  5. US decision to withdraw from Paris climate accord a 'major disappointment' – UN

    1 June 2017 The Spokesman for the United Nations Secretary-General today said the decision by the Unit

  6. 2016 Global Response

    7 May 2014 Record-breaking numbers of refugees and migrants are moving across international borders, fleeing conflict, persecution, poverty and other life-threatening situations, or responding to labour and skill shortages and demographic changes and s...

  7. Recalling recent Lesbos visit, Ban urges European leaders to act with ‘compassion and foresight’ on refugee issue

    28 June 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged European leaders meeting in Brussels toda

  8. Syria: UN rights officials decry ‘devastating’ impact of surging violence on civilians

    19 January 2018 Concerned over the devastating impact of escalating violence in Syria, wh

  9. Les populations les plus marginalisées du monde continuent d'être laissées pour compte, selon le PNUD

    21 March 2017 Bien que le développement humain moyen ait considérablement progressé dans toutes les rég

  10. Small island nations in Pacific urge global action to fight climate change

    23 September 2017 Leaders from Pacific island nations addressing the United Nations General Assembl
