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  1. To escape gangs and poverty, Central American children making risky journey to US – UNICEF

    23 August 2016 The flow of refugee and migrant children seeking refuge from brutal gangs and stif

  2. Situation on Australian offshore processing facility at risk of further deterioration, UN warns

    24 November 2017 Stating that the beating of refugees and asylum-seekers at the former

  3. UN stepping up support to diphtheria vaccination campaign for Rohingya children in Bangladesh

    12 December 2017 A United Nations-backed campaign to immunize Rohingya children

  4. Нью-Йоркская декларация

    3 October 2016 В Нью-Йоркской декларации о беженцах и мигрантах выражается политическая воля мировых лидеров, направленная на спасение жизней, защиту прав человека и справедливое распределение ответственности на глобальном уровне. Мировые лидеры озвучили, ...

  5. Agriculture must transform to feed a hotter, more crowded planet, UN says on World Food Day

    16 October 2016 To mark World Food Day 2016, the United Nations is highlighting the close links betwe

  6. Méditerranée : l'UNICEF appelle les gouvernements et l'UE à protéger les enfants réfugiés et migrants

    28 February 2017 Les enfants et les femmes réfugiés et migrants empruntant la route migratoire

  7. Adhere to safeguards, avoid pushing back refugees, UNICEF, UN rights experts urge Europe

    3 February 2017 As Europe Union leaders gather today in Malta to discuss new measures on migrati

  8. Ban calls on global leaders to take forward goals of World Humanitarian Summit

    22 September 2016 As the international community continues to work towards achieving the core humanitarian

  9. Europe : réfugiés et migrants bloqués dans les pays de transit souffrent psychologiquement face à un avenir incertain – UNICEF

    4 May 2017 Près de 75.000 réfugiés et migrants, dont environ 24.600 enfants, act

  10. UN agencies provide shelter, clean water to families displaced amid Iraq’s Mosul offensive

    21 October 2016 With the military offensive still unfolding in Mosul, the Office of t
