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  1. Summary 21 Feb 2018 multistakeholder mtg

    26 April 2018 Download summary_4th_informal_interactive_multistakeholder_hearing_gcm.pdf (287.3 KB)

  2. Side event 14 May 2018 UNHR Tech roundtable

    11 May 2018 Download ensuring_human_rights_protection_in_the_global_compact.pdf (590.17 KB)

  3. Side event 14 May 2018 IOM

    11 May 2018 Download countering_xenophobia_and_discrimination.pdf (658.52 KB)

  4. Side event 14 May 2018 Data for migration

    11 May 2018 Download from_data_about_migration_to_data_for_migration.pdf (296.52 KB)

  5. Side event 14 May 2018 IDEA

    11 May 2018 Download political_participation_of_migrants_and_refugees_-_bridging_the_gaps.pdf (387.53 KB)

  6. Side event 14 May 2018 Grassroots perspectives

    11 May 2018 Download grassroots_perspectives_on_migrants_lived_realities.pdf (385.07 KB)

  7. Side event 14 May 2018 Human Rights of children

    11 May 2018 Download the_human_rights_of_children_in_the_context_of_return.pdf (207.96 KB)

  8. Conference 2018 Briefing

    13 June 2018 Download nv-432-18_morocco.pdf (52.87 KB)

  9. Letter from the co-facilitators (29 June 2018)

    29 June 2018 Download 180629_cover_letter_co-facilitators_final_round_of_negotiations.pdf (408.23 KB)

  10. Revised draft of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (29 June 2018)

    29 June 2018 Download 180629_draft_rev_3_final.pdf (628.43 KB)
