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  1. After four years of conflict, uncertainty lingers for displaced Ukrainians – UN refugee agency

    11 August 2017... As the conflict in Ukraine enters its fourth year, nearly 1.6 mi ...

  2. Millions of ‘children on the move’ without protection is unacceptable – UN refugee agency chief

    8 December 2016 Highlighting the challenges confronting the protection of millions of childr

  3. Conflict prevention, migration and terrorism key concerns for EU and member countries at UN

    20 September 2017 On the second day of the United Nations General Assembly’s high-level deb

  4. Rohingya crisis one of the fastest growing in recent years, warns UN refugee agency

    15 September 2017 The humanitarian situation in parts of Bangladesh sheltering

  5. Protect children in conflicts and disasters from forced labour, underscores UN on World Day

    12 June 2017 Children in areas affected by conflict and disasters are among the most vuln

  6. Conflict and drought deepen food insecurity in Africa, Middle East – UN agency

    9 June 2017 Protracted fighting and unrest are swelling the ranks of displaced

  7. FEATURE: Story of Japan’s 'Schindler' offers lessons for tackling contemporary xenophobia

    26 January 2017 During World War II, Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat posted as an acting cons

  8. Hungarian law that could detain all asylum-seekers violates country’s legal obligations – UN agency

    7 March 2017 The United Nations refugee agency voiced deep concerned at a new law voted today by t

  9. Afghanistan: UN assesses border management to cope with spike in returns from Pakistan

    2 May 2017... an unprecedented 600,000 Afghans returned from Pakistan last year, the Uni ...

  10. ‘All girls count,’ says UN, calling for reliable data to uncover and tackle inequalities holding them back

    11 October 2016 Girls are the sometimes-hidden change-makers of the present and future, and t
