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  1. UN agency chief urges world to 'step up' as refugee numbers outpace resettlement spots

    12 June 2017 Against the backdrop of increasing refugee numbers around the globe, fue

  2. Famine looms for millions; UN Member States urged to 'dig deep into reserves of common humanity'

    13 April 2017 Senior United Nations officials today refocused the spotlight on Secretary-General An

  3. Les arrivées de réfugiés et de migrants en Europe baissent mais les signalements d'abus et de décès persistent, selon le HCR

    24 August 2017 Le nombre d'arrivées de migrants et de réfugiés en Europe a chuté d

  4. INTERVIEW: 'A surge in the diplomacy for peace would be my priority' – UN Secretary-General-designate

    19 October 2016 On 13 October 2016, the UN General Assembly appointed, by acclamation António Gute

  5. UN human rights body appoints Commission of Inquiry on Burundi

    22 November 2016 Following a decision of the United Nations Human Rights Council, in which it setup

  6. Iris scan helps Syrian refugees in Jordan receive UN supplies in ‘blink of eye’

    6 October 2016 The United Nations food relief and refugee agencies have jointly introduced an inno

  7. South Sudan: Scale of refugee exodus straining capacity in neighbouring countries, warns UN

    12 August 2016 The countries hosting refugees from their crisis-gripped neighbo

  8. FEATURE: Diplomacy of the conscience – The Holy See at the United Nations

    7 February 2017 Ever since 1964, when it was informally accepted to the United Nations General Ass

  9. Millions of children in crisis zones face 'bleak future,' UNICEF warns, launching emergency appeal

    30 January 2018 Children are the most vulnerable when conflict or d

  10. Mediterranean: Coast guard on alert after shipwrecks as smugglers take advantage of calm waters

    9 May 2017 About 6,600 migrants and refugees were rescued in the past few days
