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  1. Human rights expert group concludes first visit to South Sudan

    16 September 2016 Concluding its first visit to South Sudan, a United Nations-mandated

  2. Number of South Sudan refugees passes one million – UN

    16 September 2016 As instability and violence persist in the world’s newest country, the numb

  3. As Mediterranean death toll soars, Ban urges collective response to large refugee and migrant movements

    31 May 2016 At least 880 people appear to have died over the past week as their

  4. ‘Dramatic’ action needed to cut emissions, slow rise in global temperature – UN Environment report

    3 November 2016 A day before the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change comes into force, th

  5. « Nous ne pouvons pas continuer à décevoir les enfants » - António Guterres

    20 November 2017 A l'occasion de la Journée mondiale de l'enfance, le Secrétaire général des Nations

  6. Les inégalités dans l'éducation pénaliseront des centaines de millions d'enfants d'ici 2030, selon l'ONU

    16 September 2016 A l'occasion de la présentation des conclusions du rapport de la Commission internati

  7. Reverse ‘negative trajectory’ and restore hope for two-state solution, says UN Middle East envoy

    29 August 2016 The United Nations senior official coordinating efforts towards the peaceful resolution of

  8. Some 3,500 people fleeing South Sudan each day due to ongoing conflict – UN refugee agency

    4 November 2016 The ongoing conflict in South Sudan has led to immense suffering and displac

  9. Le Conseil de sécurité renouvelle pour un an l'autorisation d'arraisonner les navires servant au trafic d'êtres humains venant de Libye

    5 October 2017... sécurité a renouvelé jeudi pour une nouvelle période de 12 mois l'autoris ...

  10. UN-backed aid plan requires $310 million for crisis-affected communities in Cameroon

    4 January 2017 A $310 million humanitarian response plan, backed by the United Nations, has been
