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  1. Journée mondiale des réfugiés

    21 July 2016... Date: 20/06/2016 (All day) ...

  2. Consultations annuelles de l’OIM avec les ONG

    21 July 2016... Date: 13/06/2016 (All day) ...

  3. Trois cent vingt-septième session du Conseil d’administration du BIT et de son comité (OIT)

    21 July 2016... Date: 11/06/2016 (All day) ...

  4. Réunion conjointe des conseils d’administration du PNUD/FNUAP/UNOPS, de l’UNICEF, d’ONU-Femmes et du PAM

    21 July 2016... Lieu : New York Date: 03/06/2016 (All day) ...

  5. Human rights challenges in Libya ‘massive, but not insurmountable,’ UN rights chief says after visit

    13 October 2017 After a brief mission to Libya, United Nations High Commissioner for Huma

  6. UN chief pays tribute to courage, resilience of people of Central African Republic

    27 October 2017 Addressing lawmakers in the Central African Republic, United Na

  7. In Bangladesh, UN agency Goodwill Ambassador Kristin Davis urges action for Rohingya refugee children

    20 November 2017 Marking World Children’s Day, actress Kristin Davis on Monday called for global ...

  8. Violence drives more Rohingyas to Bangladesh; in Myanmar, Pope appeals for tolerance – UN

    28 November 2017 While their numbers have dropped in recent weeks, hundreds of

  9. Statement by Louise Arbour Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration On the occasion of International Migrants Day, 18 December 2017

    18 December 2017... (46.54 KB) ...

  10. UN agencies call for funds to reverse food ration cuts for refugees in Rwanda

    11 January 2018 United Nations humanitarian agencies on Thursday called
