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  1. Reflecting on his five-year term, UN deputy chief pins hopes on multilateralism

    18 November 2016 The United Nations deputy chief today stressed the critical importance of intern

  2. Plus de 3.000 migrants et réfugiés morts ou disparus en Méditerranée depuis janvier, selon l'OIM

    28 November 2017 Plus de 3.000 migrants et réfugiés ont trouvé la mort ou ont disparu depuis le début

  3. Ban hails Argentina’s commitment to UN values as illustrated by its actions

    8 August 2016 On a visit to Argentina, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon applauded

  4. People without nationality face ‘stark realities’ of discrimination and persecution – UN report

    3 November 2017 Discrimination, exclusion and persecution are stark realities

  5. African regional consultations on UN global compact on migration begin in Ethiopia

    26 October 2017 Although the debate on migration has largely focused on Europe, the global co

  6. UN chief Guterres engages in 'constructive' discussions on Yemen, Libya with Saudi Foreign Minister

    12 February 2017 Visiting Saudi Arabia, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said today that

  7. Yémen : 29 réfugiés somaliens et éthiopiens morts et 22 disparus en mer d'Arabie, selon l'OIM

    10 August 2017 Malgré la guerre au Yémen, des milliers de migrants et de réfugiés contin

  8. Méditerranée : nouveaux naufrages d'embarcations transportant des migrants au large de la Libye

    9 May 2017 Au moins 245 personnes ayant embarqué le week-end dernier en Afriq

  9. UN migration chief visits Nigeria's northeast; new fund allocates $10.5 million

    1 August 2017 The United Nations has sharpened its focus on efforts to tackle the humanitarian crisis in nor

  10. Return of refugees in DR Congo fraught with challenges, reports UN agency

    8 September 2017 Despite improvements in the security situation in conflict-affected parts of t
