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  1. Sahel : un « accent disproportionné » sur la sécurité affaiblirait l'établissement d'une paix durable, selon l'ONU

    28 June 2017 La Vice-Secrétaire générale des Nations Unies, Amina Mohammed, a souligné mercredi

  2. Small island nations in Pacific urge global action to fight climate change

    23 September 2017 Leaders from Pacific island nations addressing the United Nations General Assembl

  3. “No hay apoyo de la comunidad internacional para Ucrania”

    7 December 2017 La ONU ha solicitado 187 millones de dólares

  4. Piden una pausa humanitaria en Siria ante la escalada de la violencia en la provincia de Idlib y el este de Ghouta

    6 February 2018 “Tenemos alrededor de 2 millones que necesitan ayuda. ...

  5. High-level side event “Road to Marrakech”

    7 September 2018 Date and Time:  26th September 2-4 pm Location:  Conference Room 2, UNHQ, New York Organisers : The Office of the Special ...

  6. Acto paralelo de alto nivel "El camino a Marrakech"

    14 December 2018 Date and Time:  26th September 2-4 pm Location:  Conference Room 2, UNHQ, New York Organisers : The Office of the Special ...

  7. Sexta sesión plenaria del 71º período de sesiones de la Asamblea General, Documentos Oficiales, parte 2

    20 October 2016

  8. South Sudan: UN, partners seek $1.4 billion for 'world's fastest growing refugee crisis'

    15 May 2017 The United Nations refugees and food relief agencies today urged donors to step up suppor

  9. As funds shrink, UN agency may end assistance to 150,000 in Central African Republic

    22 December 2016 Due to a lack of funding, the United Nations World Food Programme (W

  10. Reducing violence against women vital for peace in Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territory – UN expert

    26 September 2016 Concluding her first visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (O
