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Résultats de la recherche

  1. In 10 countries with highest out-of-school rates, 40 per cent of children not accessing basic education – UN

    1 Septembre 2016 As millions of children around the world prepare to return to school this month

  2. After attacks, UN senior official in South Sudan urges protection of aid workers and civilians

    8 Avril 2017 Following recent attacks on civilians and aid workers in South Suda

  3. The vulnerable ‘must be our first priority,’ says Ban, calling on donors to support UN emergency fund

    13 Décembre 2016 At a high-level pledging conference in New York today on the United Nations Central

  4. At UN, Slovak President warns against leaders caring more about retaining power than improving lives

    20 Septembre 2016 Addressing the United Nations General Assembly’s general debate today, Andrej Kiska, th

  5. Violence à l'encontre des enfants : une envoyée de l'ONU se bat pour un monde plus sûr

    23 Juin 2016 Marta Santos Pais a grandi dans une famille heureuse au Portugal.

  6. INTERVIEW: UN must lead ‘surge in diplomacy’ for peace, Guterres says ahead of 72nd General Assembly

    8 Septembre 2017 As the excitement starts to build ahead of the United Nations General Assembly’s annu

  7. Syria: UN agency condemns killing of four Palestinian refugees at Khan Eshieh camp

    21 Octobre 2016 The United Nations agency tasked with the well-being of Palestine refugees today cond

  8. Yemen's 'man-made catastrophe' is ravaging country, senior UN officials tell Security Council

    18 Août 2017 Warning about escalating suffering in Yemen's man-made catastrophe, se

  9. Fermeture de la 'jungle' de Calais : le HCR souligne la nécessité de protéger les enfants

    25 Octobre 2016 Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) a rapp

  10. ‘Dramatic’ action needed to cut emissions, slow rise in global temperature – UN Environment report

    3 Novembre 2016 A day before the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change comes into force, th
