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Résultats de la recherche

  1. UN agency, Ugandan government call for urgent support amid influx of South Sudanese refugees

    23 Mars 2017 United Nations refugee assistance efforts in Uganda are seriously

  2. Uganda and UN to convene 'solidarity summit' amid fast-growing refugee emergency

    21 Juin 2017 Facing a fast-growing refugee crisis, Uganda is set to host in its

  3. Agriculture support ‘critical’ for Horn of Africa as region braces for another hunger season

    20 Décembre 2016 In the wake of the multiple droughts that hit the Horn of Africa over the pa

  4. Le HCR, l'OIM et leurs partenaires lancent une nouvelle stratégie pour l'aide aux réfugiés et aux migrants en Europe

    19 Janvier 2017 Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), l'Organisation internationale pour

  5. مفوضية شؤون اللاجئين: عودة كبيرة طوعية للسوريين في ظل الصراع المستمر

    30 Juin 2017... إلى سوريا وفي داخلها في عام 2017. ...

  6. Labour mobility

    9 Août 2017 Background documents Invitation from the co-facilitators to the session and the informal stakeholder dialogue Procedural note  (including agenda)

  7. United Kingdom to remain ‘outward-facing’ global partner, Prime Minister tells UN Assembly

    20 Septembre 2016 Addressing the United Nations General Assembly for the first time, Theres

  8. The vulnerable ‘must be our first priority,’ says Ban, calling on donors to support UN emergency fund

    13 Décembre 2016 At a high-level pledging conference in New York today on the United Nations Central

  9. At UN, Slovak President warns against leaders caring more about retaining power than improving lives

    20 Septembre 2016 Addressing the United Nations General Assembly’s general debate today, Andrej Kiska, th

  10. Crimes en Libye : la Procureure de la CPI demande la remise du commandant de la brigade Al-Saiqa

    8 Novembre 2017 En Libye, « la justice est une composante essentielle d'une pa
