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Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. الكويت ومفوضية اللاجئين توقعان اتفاقا لمساعدة اللاجئين السوريين

    3 Abril 2017... العربية اليوم اتفاقا بقيمة 10 ملايين دولار لتحسين ظروف معيشة اللاجئين ...

  2. Yemen's war pushing Somali refugees to return home – UN agency

    19 Mayo 2017 More than 30,000 Somali refugees have apparently returned to Somalia from Yemen, the United Natio

  3. UN, partners seek $25 million to stabilize Gaza's worsening humanitarian conditions

    3 Julio 2017 United Nations relief agencies and their partners in the occupied Palestinian

  4. Rohingya refugee children perish as boat capsizes off Bangladesh – UN migration agency

    9 Octubre 2017 At least 13 Rohingya refugees, 11 of them young children, fleeing violen

  5. Desperate Rohingya refugees use home-made rafts to get to Bangladesh – UN

    17 Noviembre 2017 Over the past 10 days, dozens of makeshift rafts carrying more than ...

  6. UNICEF warns of contaminated drinking water in camps for Rohingya refugees

    21 Noviembre 2017 The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is working with au

  7. UN study uncovers horrors of sexual violence against Syrian refugee boys and men

    6 Diciembre 2017 A study carried out by the United Nations refugee agency has r

  8. UN stepping up support to diphtheria vaccination campaign for Rohingya children in Bangladesh

    12 Diciembre 2017 A United Nations-backed campaign to immunize Rohingya children

  9. Rohingya refugees face ‘multitude of protection risks,’ warns UN agency

    15 Diciembre 2017 The United Nations refugee agency said on Friday that it is co

  10. La solidarité avec les migrants est une question d'urgence, souligne l'ONU

    18 Diciembre 2017 A l'occasion de la Journée internationale des migrants
