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Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. Top UN official commends Niger for tackling complex humanitarian crisis

    11 Septiembre 2017 Top UN official commends Niger for tackling complex humanitaria

  2. UN refugee agency 'extremely worried' about renewed violence in Central African Republic

    30 Junio 2017 The United Nations refugee agency has voiced concern over a flow of people fleeing renewed violence in

  3. UNICEF calls for action to prevent more deaths in Central Mediterranean as attempted crossings spike

    21 Abril 2017 Noting increases in number of migrants, including children, attemp

  4. ‘Give peace a chance,’ urges UN official, reporting sense of optimism as Aleppo ceasefire holds

    4 Enero 2017 A senior United Nations humanitarian official reported today that though damage to

  5. Funding shortfall for UN emergency response fund could have 'devastating impact'

    2 Noviembre 2016 The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has warned that an imminen

  6. Abuse, exploitation and trafficking 'stark reality' for migrant children trying to reach Europe – UN report

    12 Septiembre 2017 More than 75 per cent of migrant and refugee children trying to reach Europe via the

  7. Reverse ‘negative trajectory’ and restore hope for two-state solution, says UN Middle East envoy

    29 Agosto 2016 The United Nations senior official coordinating efforts towards the peaceful resolution of

  8. Réfugiés et demandeurs d'asile sur l'île de Manus : l'ONU appelle l'Australie à prendre ses responsabilités

    3 Noviembre 2017 Préoccupées par le sort des plus de 600 demandeurs d'asile demeurant sur l'île de

  9. INTERVIEW: ‘It is important to let the positive side of migration be told’ – IOM Director-General

    20 Diciembre 2016 Every day, for the past three years, just over a dozen migrants have died on average, or one

  10. UN chief launches first report to track Sustainable Development Goals

    20 Julio 2016 Launching the first-ever Sustainable Development Goals report on the new global devel
