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Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. International cooperation

    1 Junio 2017 Background documents Invitation from the co-facilitators to the session and the informal stakeholder dialogue Procedural note (including agenda)

  2. Contributions of migrants

    30 Junio 2017 Background documents Invitation from the co-facilitators to the session and the informal stakeholder dialogue Procedural note (including agenda) Organizational arrangements

  3. Sudán del Sur: 6 millones de personas sufren para alimentarse diariamente

    21 Junio 2017 Pese a un descenso del número de afectados por la hambruna en Sudán del Sur, gracias a una mayor respuesta humanitaria, el número de personas que encuentra dificultades para alimentarse a diario cr

  4. Moderators to thematic sessions 4,5 and 6

    6 Junio 2017 Download june6_pga_thematic_sessions.pdf (127.45 KB)

  5. 3 July 2017 Thematic Session 6: Reschedule

    3 Julio 2017 Download july3_pga_reschedule_6thematicsession.pdf (218.73 KB)

  6. Thematic session 6: Organization of work, organizational arrangements

    26 Septiembre 2017 Download sept26_pga_letter.pdf (610.19 KB)

  7. PV Day2 Agenda 6 Bulgaria

    9 Enero 2018 Download pv_day2_ag6_bulgaria.pdf (94.63 KB)

  8. Intergovernmental negotiations 6 Round Letter from Facilitators 110718

    11 Julio 2018 Download 180711_cover_letter_co-facilitators_final_draft.pdf (395.9 KB)

  9. Intergovernmental negotiations 6 Round Final draft 110718

    11 Julio 2018 Download 180711_final_draft.pdf (628.67 KB)

  10. Stocktaking phase

    11 Octubre 2017 Global Compact for Migration Preparatory meeting, 4-6 December 2017, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico The stocktaking meeting provides a platform for different nations and stakeholders to jointly shape a vision for the Global Compact for Safe, Or...
