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Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. Le Fonds d'urgence de l'ONU a encore besoin de 25 millions de dollars pour répondre aux crises humanitaires de 2016

    2 Noviembre 2016 Le Fonds centra

  2. On Africa Day, UN chief says world must move from ‘managing crises to preventing them’

    25 Mayo 2017 ‘Africa Day’ 2017 comes at an important moment in the continent’s endeavours towards pe

  3. UN agencies urge aid for cyclone-hit communities in Bangladesh, Myanmar

    2 Junio 2017 United Nations agencies are calling for urgent aid to help hundreds of thousands

  4. UN agency, IKEA partnership leads to first solar farm in refugee camp

    17 Mayo 2017 The world's first solar farm in a refugee camp switched on today in northern Jordan, providing renewable energy

  5. 'Risks of inaction are considerable', says Ban, urging new compact on refugees and migrants

    9 Mayo 2016 Despite bold efforts, responses to the large movements of refugees and migrants

  6. Le HCR appelle à accroître les places de réinstallation après 160 décès signalés en Méditerranée

    12 Enero 2018 Le HCR, l'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, renouvelle son appel

  7. At UN Assembly, Pacific small islands urge collective action against climate change impacts

    22 Septiembre 2017 Addressing the 72nd annual general debate at the United Nations General Assembly, leaders f

  8. On International Day, UN cites 'duty of care towards the environment' in peacetime and during conflict

    6 Noviembre 2016 To achieve the vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development o

  9. Volunteers are ‘instrumental to the future of people and the planet’ – Ban says on International Day

    5 Diciembre 2016 Marking International Volunteer Day, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

  10. As donor support dwindles, one million displaced Somali refugees are growing hopeless UN agency warns

    10 Enero 2017 More than one million Somali refugees who have been displaced from th
