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Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. Un an après la Déclaration UE-Turquie, le coût humain est de plus en plus élevé pour les enfants réfugiés et migrants

    17 Marzo 2017 Un an après la fermeture des frontières des Balkans et la Déclaration de l'Union européenne et d

  2. More refugees and migrants feared lost in Mediterranean; UN urges safer resettlement options

    12 Enero 2018 Amid reports that some 160 people are feared lost during desperat

  3. Syrian refugee children in Jordan show strength despite conflict – UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Liam Neeson

    10 Noviembre 2016 Film star Liam Neeson has said that he was impressed by the strength and spark of th

  4. Majority of children fleeing to Europe just want to get away, UNICEF reports

    25 Julio 2017 Facing violence and trauma in Libya and other countries, thousands

  5. South Sudan refugees in Uganda exceed one million; UN renews appeal for help

    17 Agosto 2017 As the number of refugees from South Sudan in Uganda passes one

  6. Les mesures américaines suspendant la réinstallation de réfugiés devraient être levées, selon le chef de l'ONU

    1 Febrero 2017 Réagissant à la récente suspension par les Etats-Unis de leur programme de réinstallat

  7. EU an ‘indispensable’ UN partner, working for rules-based international order, Security Council told

    9 Mayo 2017 The European Union (EU) has become over the past 60 years of its existence, a “superpower for

  8. UN agencies urge aid for cyclone-hit communities in Bangladesh, Myanmar

    2 Junio 2017 United Nations agencies are calling for urgent aid to help hundreds of thousands

  9. UN agency, IKEA partnership leads to first solar farm in refugee camp

    17 Mayo 2017 The world's first solar farm in a refugee camp switched on today in northern Jordan, providing renewable energy

  10. At UN Assembly, Pacific small islands urge collective action against climate change impacts

    22 Septiembre 2017 Addressing the 72nd annual general debate at the United Nations General Assembly, leaders f
