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  1. Le HCR, l'OIM et leurs partenaires lancent une nouvelle stratégie pour l'aide aux réfugiés et aux migrants en Europe

    19 Enero 2017 Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), l'Organisation internationale pour

  2. مفوضية شؤون اللاجئين: عودة كبيرة طوعية للسوريين في ظل الصراع المستمر

    30 Junio 2017... إلى سوريا وفي داخلها في عام 2017. ...

  3. Labour mobility

    9 Agosto 2017 Background documents Invitation from the co-facilitators to the session and the informal stakeholder dialogue Procedural note  (including agenda)

  4. UN reports more than 300 migrant deaths on Mediterranean crossing in first two months of 2017

    24 Febrero 2017 An estimated 366 migrants died at sea during their Mediterranean journey to Europe in

  5. More must be done to place Syrian refugees; conflict sees worst violence in months – UN

    30 Marzo 2017 The world’s attention has moved away from Syria following the bat

  6. Crimes en Libye : la Procureure de la CPI demande la remise du commandant de la brigade Al-Saiqa

    8 Noviembre 2017 En Libye, « la justice est une composante essentielle d'une pa

  7. Refugees along Mediterranean crossing may face 'horrendous abuses' at the hands of smugglers – UN

    8 Mayo 2017 One person out of every 35 trying to cross the inland sea between

  8. Special Representative for International Migration

    21 Junio 2017... Representative for International Migration on 9 March 2017. ...

  9. Over 600,000 displaced Syrians returned home so far this year – UN agency

    11 Agosto 2017... displaced Syrians returned home in the first seven months of 2017, t ...

  10. INTERVIEW: ‘It is important to let the positive side of migration be told’ – IOM Director-General

    20 Diciembre 2016 Every day, for the past three years, just over a dozen migrants have died on average, or one
