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Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. Lake Chad Basin: Vulnerable people ‘a step away from starvation,’ says UN aid chief

    28 Septiembre 2017 The scale up of international assistance to the Lake Chad Basin this year has a

  2. Amid 'critical' resource shortage, UN agency cuts food rations for refugees in Kenya

    2 Octubre 2017 For 420,000 refugees living in northern Kenya, insufficient funding has forced the

  3. UN migration chief urges more support for Rohingyas fleeing Myanmar or 'thousands will suffer'

    19 Octubre 2017 The United Nations migration agency and its partners are supporting Bangl

  4. Libya’s detention of migrants ‘is an outrage to humanity,’ says UN human rights chief Zeid

    14 Noviembre 2017 The European Union’s (EU) support for Libya’s Coast Guard which has

  5. At Security Council, UN chief urges cooperation to tackle security challenges in Mediterranean

    17 Noviembre 2017 The Mediterranean – a confluence of civilizations, cultures, religion

  6. Greece facing ‘serious challenges,’ needs EU help to manage refugee crisis – UN agency chief

    26 Agosto 2016 Greece still faces great challenges in managing its refugee crisis

  7. Lutte contre la traite des personnes : la détermination des Etats doit se transformer en action, souligne l'ONU

    27 Septiembre 2017 Lors d'une réunion de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies consacr

  8. In South Sudan, UN peacekeeping chief says regional engagement 'good thing' for peace process

    2 Agosto 2017 The United Nations peacekeeping chief said today the involvement of ea

  9. Rohingya refugees face ‘multitude of protection risks,’ warns UN agency

    15 Diciembre 2017 The United Nations refugee agency said on Friday that it is co

  10. ‘Aleppo will not be there’ in two months if diplomatic stalemate continues, warns UN envoy

    17 Octubre 2016 Between now and December, “if we cannot find a solution, Aleppo will not be there any
