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  1. To escape gangs and poverty, Central American children making risky journey to US – UNICEF

    23 八月 2016 The flow of refugee and migrant children seeking refuge from brutal gangs and stif

  2. South Sudan, Africa's largest refugee crisis, needs urgent response – UN agency

    10 二月 2017 With already more than 3.5 million displaced within and outside the

  3. For Yemenis and migrants, protracted conflict an 'endless nightmare' – head of UN agency

    2 十月 2017 Amid worsening famine and cholera in war-torn Yemen, the head of the U

  4. 'Act now' to help and protect trafficking victims, UN urges on World Day against the scourge

    30 七月 2017 Criminal groups feed off the instability created by conflicts, and as links betwe

  5. Three years into conflict, humanitarian needs in South Sudan continue to rise – UN relief wing

    22 十二月 2016 Since fighting first erupted in South Sudan three years back, tens of thousand

  6. Half a million Rohingya arrive in Bangladesh; UN agencies rush to provide shelter, clean water

    29 九月 2017 The United Nations refugee agency announced today that it has start

  7. Kuwait to host donors conference on rebuilding Iraq, Prime Minister tells UN Assembly

    21 九月 2017... to host an international donors conference in the coming year to help Iraq ...

  8. UN refugee agency lauds Europe's rescue efforts in Mediterranean amid 'tragic start' to New Year

    16 一月 2017 The United Nations refugee agency praised the Italian Coastguar

  9. Secretary-General António Guterres cites multilateralism, teamwork as critical to achieving UN goals

    3 一月 2017 On his first day in office, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for

  10. 'None of us should stand silent' while civilians suffer in Syria, Security Council told

    27 七月 2017 Despite the remarkable hope and strength shown by most Syrians, daily life remai
