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  1. Méditerranée : l'UNICEF appelle les gouvernements et l'UE à protéger les enfants réfugiés et migrants

    28 二月 2017 Les enfants et les femmes réfugiés et migrants empruntant la route migratoire

  2. Des bénévoles grecs, lauréats conjoints de la distinction Nansen 2016 du HCR pour les réfugiés

    6 九月 2016 Une équipe de sauvetage en mer composée de 2.000 bénévoles ayant sau

  3. On World Day, UN urges stronger action to shield millions from human trafficking

    29 七月 2016 The international community must do more to end the inhumane practice o

  4. In Myanmar, UN chief spotlights country’s challenging path towards multi-ethnic democracy

    30 八月 2016 Following a meeting with Myanmar’s foreign minister, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, United Nations

  5. Opening Assembly debate, Ban calls on world leaders ‘act now,’ work together for a better future

    20 九月 2016 Highlighting the challenges confronting the global community, United Nations Secretary-

  6. New UN report reveals millions of refugee children ‘missing out’ on education

    15 九月 2016 In a new report, the United Nations refugee agency said that more than so

  7. HABITAT III: UN conference agrees new urban development agenda creating sustainable, equitable cities for all

    20 十月 2016 A major conference on the future of the world’s cities and towns, known as

  8. European leaders at General Assembly stress UN’s vital importance in resolving global crises

    23 九月 2017 European leaders mounted the rostrum of the United Nations General Assembly today to sp

  9. ISTANBUL : A l'ouverture du Sommet humanitaire, Ban Ki-moon appelle à 'façonner un avenir différent'

    23 五月 2016 Lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture du premier

  10. In Nairobi, UN chief Guterres marks International Women’s Day, hails Kenya’s role in multilateralism

    8 三月 2017 The richness, welfare and prosperity of countries depend on the full integration of women
