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  1. UN envoy urges greater support for Rohingya victims of sexual violence

    16 十一月 2017 Following a visit to Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar, where hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar h

  2. More flee Cameroon’s English-speaking areas; UN concerned over safety of women and children

    19 一月 2018 As swelling numbers of people flee English-speaking areas of Ca

  3. UN rights chief urges sustained commitment for redress of child victims of torture

    8 四月 2016 The deliberate infliction of torture on children is an “unbearable reality” in many conflicts and human rights crises around the world, but the international community must continue to demonstrate

  4. UN agencies step up joint response to help drought-affected northern Somalia

    11 四月 2016 The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are intensifying joint efforts to assist communities in northern Somalia coping with a severe drought exacerbated by

  5. Statements & Videos

    19 九月 2016  Press Release: New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants adopted by all Member States at historic UN Summit

  6. La Turquie réclame davantage de soutien de l'Union européenne pour aider les réfugiés syriens

    20 九月 2016 Lors d'un discours devant l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, le Président de la Turq

  7. Declaraciones y vídeos

    3 十月 2016  Comunicado de prensa: Declaración de Nueva York para los refugiados y los migrantes aprobadas por todos los Estados miembros en la histórica Cumbre de la ONU

  8. At UN debate, Kenyan Vice-President implores Security Council to take Somalia situation ‘seriously’

    21 九月 2016 Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, the Vice-President of Kenya today implored

  9. UN and Ugandan government cut food rations amid influx of South Sudanese refugees

    17 八月 2016 Appealing to donors to urgently help bolster the humanitarian re

  10. One-third of Rohingya refugee families in Bangladesh vulnerable, UN agency finds

    7 十一月 2017 The innovative data collection technology employed by the Unit
