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  1. Thousands of Nigeria's returning refugees need humanitarian assistance – UN refugee agency

    2 六月 2017 As thousands of refugees return from Cameroon to north-eastern Nigeria, strain

  2. Violence à l'encontre des enfants : une envoyée de l'ONU se bat pour un monde plus sûr

    23 六月 2016 Marta Santos Pais a grandi dans une famille heureuse au Portugal.

  3. INTERVIEW: UN senior advisor discusses blueprint to strengthen global responses for refugees and migrants

    9 八月 2016 Following five months of negotiations, United Nations Member States ag

  4. INTERVIEW: ‘It is important to let the positive side of migration be told’ – IOM Director-General

    20 十二月 2016 Every day, for the past three years, just over a dozen migrants have died on average, or one

  5. Le Fonds d'urgence de l'ONU a encore besoin de 25 millions de dollars pour répondre aux crises humanitaires de 2016

    2 十一月 2016 Le Fonds centra

  6. At UN, Tanzania – ‘as a country of refuge to many’ – stresses importance of regional stability

    24 九月 2017 Tanzania has integrated ‘sustainability’ into its development plan 2016-2021, with an

  7. Более 65 миллионов человек во всем мире были вынуждены покинуть свои дома

    20 六月 2016 Палатка беженцев в Йемене. Фото УВКБ В послании по этому поводу Генеральный секретарь ООН Пан Ги Мун призвал к

  8. INTERVIEW: 'A surge in the diplomacy for peace would be my priority' – UN Secretary-General-designate

    19 十月 2016 On 13 October 2016, the UN General Assembly appointed, by acclamation António Gute

  9. EU should seek common approach to address tragic loss of life on Mediterranean – UN agencies

    2 二月 2017 Ahead of a meeting of the European Council, the United Nations ref

  10. Près de 200 migrants morts ou disparus au large de la Libye depuis le début de l'année, selon l'OIM

    10 一月 2018 Plus d'une semaine après le début de la nouvelle année, on dénombre déjà près de 200
